
Shared company daycare centres

What is a company daycare?

Company daycares are private. A private daycare works like a municipal daycare, but is managed by a private manager instead of a public body (municipality, community of municipalities, etc.). The private daycare is subject to the same regulations as the municipal daycare (supervision rate, employee qualification, precise safety standards, etc.). To open, the private daycare centre must imperatively obtain an authorization issued by the General Council after consulting the PMI (Protection Maternelle et Infantile). Private daycare centres welcome children from 10 weeks to 4 years old.

Agreed upon by the Caisses d'Allocations Familiales (CAF), the price of private daycares - multi-reception (+ 10 children) and mini daycares PSU (- 10 children) - is the same for parents as that of municipal daycares since the part usually paid for by the Town Hall is financed by the employer.

Find out more about the daycare registration fees here.

What is the difference between a company daycare, a single-company daycare and an inter-company daycare?

The term company daycare (= private daycare) is used to name single-company daycare and inter-company daycares.

The single-company daycare is reserved for the children of employees of a single company.

In an inter-company daycare, places can be reserved by several companies. Regardless of the size of the company, VSE, SME or large company, it is possible to reserve one or more places in a dyacare for its employees.

In a network of 570 inter-company daycares like people&baby, the employee can choose the daycare that suits them, near their home or near their workplace. An asset highly appreciated by employees, who benefit from a better work-life balance.

Are you looking for a place in a dayare for your child?

  • As an employee of a company, you can pre-book a place now in the daycare of your choice. You will be called back within 24 hours by one of our advisers who will assist you in your process with your employer.
  • If you do not have an employer, you can benefit from a place without company funding in certain daycares, in regular or occasional care. You can pre-book a place now in the daycare of your choice. You will be called back within 24 hours by one of our advisers who will help you find a solution.

The cost of a place in a company and inter-company daycare

The price of a single-company or inter-company daycare for the parent is in most cases the same as a municipal daycare. The employer funds the part that is normally covered by the local council in the case of a municipal daycare centre.

Everything you need to know about the prices for people & baby daycare here.

Go to our simulator to calculate the price of your place in a daycare.

How to register in a people&baby inter-company daycare?

1) Find and select the daycare(s) you're interested in in our directory:

2) Fill in the contact form.

3) One of our advisers will call you back within 24 hours (Monday to Friday) and help you with all of your procedures.

Are you an HR professional, a business leader?

Company daycares, inter-company daycares: go here to find out about our solutions for booking a place in a daycare dedicated to companies.

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